Monday, November 03, 2008

Friendship Matters

We all need friends in our life. I can't imagine how we can live without friends to share our laughter and rants.

With platforms like facebook, friendship has become border less and the world has since become a much smaller place. I always seek for sincere and honest friendship because that's what they are getting from me.

I've encountered jerks who lied their teeth off from the start with bullshits and those who think they owned the world at their feet just because they think they are 10 cents richer than the rest. Well moron, let me tell you this ... there's no place in my life to take your crap. You can save your show-offs to your worshipers. Next!

There must be a very good reason why out of millions of people, we can be friends. You and me. So here's my take on friendship:-

The Best Friends

They are my true friends since high school. They have been with me when I broke off with my ex and keep encouraging me that my soul mate is out there somewhere (babes, I'm still waiting leh). They cheered for me when I've slimmed down but said "it's ok dear" when I gained back the darn pounds! They listened to my never ending rants on my sucker boss and advised me to stay positive. They scolded me when I splurged on another pair of shoe but at the same time agreed with me on the choice ;p They are my BFF and I can never thank them enough for everything. God bless them.

The Just Friends

They are people I get to befriend over the years ... from school, work, weddings, parties, gatherings, facebook, etc. We'll meet up occasionally for meals or visit each other during the festive season. Communication is so much easier now with technology like MSN when we are world apart and phone calls ain't cheap. They might not be my best friends but I know when I need any help, I can count on them.

The Bloggers Friends

We have never met ... yet :) but I'm positive someday we will. They are friends from blogsphere. I stumbled upon their blog one day and placed my 2 cents worth of comment and they did the same to mine (more than 2 cents actually on their part). I bookmarked their URL on my firefox because they are all talented bloggers with individual creativity. Bravo guys ... job well done (^_^)

The Facebook Friends

This is where I befriend my first English Rose who worshiped her cat name Rodney, a Canadian grandma whose cat is the size of a shih-tzu, an non-kiasu kind-hearted Singaporean dude, a cool Taiwanese guy who loves Porsche cars, a Sunneh with a hidden Dark Knight attitude, a group of Hongkie kitteh lovers and a lot of other interesting individuals. I'm expanding my network of friends across the ocean.

I'll always send them a personal message when I accepted their request or vice-versa because there is no point having 2,000 friends on your profile and you can't even remember their name! Geez ... how pathetic is that?

The Seasonal Friends

Whenever I called them up, they are always in a rush and no time to talk. Ok fine. But when they call you out of the blue, you know it's only for 2 things. Either they are getting married or they have joined the insurance business! The former most likely is the case. Anyway, they do keep in touch sometimes ... by forwarding those "send to 10 persons to receive good luck" type of emails. That's how important I am to them. Duh!

The Boy-Friend

Still waiting for someone to take interest in me ... my undemanding requirements is here if you like to check it out ^^ err hard sell still work, right?

"Friendship is a plant of slow growth and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation" - George Washington (1732 -1799)


Precious Pea said...

Err..which category am i in?

Anonymous said...

It's great that you have so many different types of friends. :-) It's certainly a blessing.

Live2Talk said...

PP: You are in all categories except for 'seasonal friend and boy-friend' :)

LL: Thanks and I'm sure you too have your close buddies ^^ thanks for being my blogger and facebook friend :)

.:: Ant ::. said...

Wow, we did pick the same topic at the same time! Yours is more comprehensive tho'. Well done sweets :)

Think you'll make a great friend too! :)

Live2Talk said...

biologicalclockticking: Yes indeed we picked the same topic and we both appreciate true friendship. Welcome to my circle of friends ^^

.:: Ant ::. said...

Most glad to be in your circle! :)

HairyBerry said...

sweetie, which category am i in??? or shall i say, am I Ross, Chandler or Joey? or Phoebe? haha...

glad to have known ya via cyberspace! :)

Live2Talk said...

nic: Sweetie, I think you and Rachel have some similarity (minus the goatee lah of course) hahaha ... thanks for entertaining me with your sexcitement post, good job!