Tuesday, January 16, 2007


If you like to visit KL’s most happening and noisiest street, forget Bintang Walk or the Petaling Street.

You are welcome to the street in front of my house. No, the noise doesn’t come from the resident at the Zoo Negara next door (yes I live near that area) but instead the normal human beings. I have the most irritating and inconsiderate neighbors living around me.

My left neighbor likes to work as a carpenter in the middle of the night when I'm about to doze off. Out of a sudden, the hammering and tools sounds will start and jolt me up from the bed #%$*&.

The right side retired malay fella is so free that he loves to start the car engine twice a day for 1 hour but he never uses the car and cause all the exhaust to fill into our living room. His daughter is next, she will set the handphone alarm at 6.00 a.m. every morning but she sleeps like a sei-g (dead pig) until her parents knock on her door to wake up her for college and thats like 1/2 hour later. Her room is not even next to mine but I can still hear it so clearly until I don't have to set my own alarm clock :(

The fool who owns 2 cars living next next doors on the right always seems to press the wrong button on his car key and the alarm will sound for a good few minutes before he decides to turn it off !!!

The kids from my back neighbor likes to scream, cry and shout to get attention. I just feel like slapping on their parents' faces as they obviously have deaf ears.

Then there’s this couple of Mat Rempits living across the road who likes to test their engine every evening before the start of their journey.

On top of all these, there are kids from some family up the street who likes to scream and shout on top of their lungs and run up and down the street like some carnival every evening after school!

The most irritating so far is the one family directly opposite our house. The father and son love to sing karaoke and they do it every nite as if they are holding a concert! But the funny thing is I can only hear their voices over the mic and no music at all! They absolutely have no idea that their voices are like frog singing and yet they turn up the volume of the mic so high that the whole neighborhood can hear them. Now that the Chinese New Year is approaching, my king of karaoke neighbor is singing took took look took chang took took look took chang … sin lean lai lor …

I just wish I could do this! How to keep your sanity living in a place like mine?

Welcome to Jalan J-13.


Precious Pea said...

Hahaha!!! Good post and great pictures!! Maybe you should start a post for your neighbours at work. Equally noisy with own character too!

Live2Talk said...

Good idea maybe I'll just do that starting on my left side ...

Precious Pea said...

Gosh, you mean me?? I felt so honoured. I know am always your number 1.