Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Wedding & Marriage

Talk about planning a wedding, every single and married women you know will have their own ideas. From what type of gown to the food and also not forgetting all the different customs and family traditions.

Is wedding all about ...

The best and most creative proposal? (more attempts if the girl refuses to say Yes after you have climbed the highest mountain to declare your love)

Or how many carat is the diamond ring?

How bout the excitement of choosing the perfect wedding gown to fit the never perfect body?

Then there are the ho0-ha of choosing the best venue for reception and all the planning for the perfect wedding.

Honeymoon in Maldives if your darling is loaded with hard $ and not just a bunch of plastic cards!

Reality will step in when all the wedding and honeymoon excitement faded to the back. The most important is how to make the marriage work. Never assume that your other half will understand what's on your mind if you don't speak out! So communicate is vital to a successful relationship/marriage.

Don't commit in a marriage if ...

He controls your life and you can't do anything, go anywhere without his approval.

He is not that into you (he doesn't care even if you threaten to jump down from a 5-storey building)!

He doesn't know the role of a husband and at the same time serve his Empress Dowager (mommy)!

You don’t love him enough to accept all his flaws, tantrums, bad temper, attitude, unreasonable demands and living with his family members.

You think his $ is your $$ and your $ is your $$$! This will not happen in marriage life honey! Get real!

You have this wish that you can change him once married! If he does not change his lousy attitude for the past 20 years, what makes you think you can? Snap out of it will ya!

He expects you to be the new washing machine, rice-cooker, broom, baby-sitter, nanny taking over from his mommy's job.

Because all your friends / schoolmates / colleagues / relatives / neighbors have done it and you are the last passenger in the bus-stop still waiting for the last bus to approach.

We can't ignore the fact there are fail marriages out there but there are also everlasting ones. My sincere wish with God's blessing, is for you and me to find 'happily ever after'.


Precious Pea said...!!! When is your turn?

Live2Talk said...

I'm going to produce, direct and act in my wedding but now have to audition for the male lead. Still searching still searching ...

SNTC said...

A great piece written on marriage but what about a piece on the meaning of LIFE itself? What do we live for? Not marriage i suppose....

Back to Basics said...

Ah, nice blog! I like the picture with the empress! hahahaah

Live2Talk said...

Sam: That piece on LIFE in on da way, I need to gather my thoughts a bit :D

Runaway: I wanted to dedicate this entry especially to 'you-kno-who' la he he he