Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How Do You Know?

How do you know if the person dislikes you from the start?

1) She greets everybody in the office EXCEPT you.
2) You greeted her but all you got in return is a shitty face, totally ignoring you like a hollow man.
3) She organized a company orphanage visit and everybody get to pick their 'kid' EXCEPT you.
4) She distributed company tee to all staff EXCEPT you.
5) She pokes you in front of the boss.

Her details:-
Occupation: Full-time secretary to the boss (standby mode: 24/7), part-time pole dancer, seriously.
Single and available
Definitely charming; give her a broom, a black pointed hat and she looks EXACTLY like Ms W.

So dudes, any takers?

How do you know if you are boomed after 3 months at the new job?

1) When your boss snack on a packet of mamee in the meeting.

2) When Manager #1 slurp a cup noodle in the meeting.

3) When Manager #2 presented a business plan using MS Word on a projector! Er excuse me but there's this application called PowerPoint?

4) When Manager #3 cannot differentiate between 'below' and 'beyond'.

5) When you receive no direction or guidance from your boss on the work. He leaves everything to you just make sure don't screw up!

6) When your boss asked question like, "why am I always so free?" and yet expect the staff to work 12 hours in a day.

7) When all you boss talk about is Man-U and Tiger Woods and he can't pee because of the 2 drops of water on the toilet floor, so everybody must not wet the damn floor! OMG! (btw, it's an unisex toilet).

8) When the head of sales who wears plunging neckline with a 32C cleavage need to steal a subordinate account to increase her own quota.

9) When it's a compulsory to wear the corporate uniform for official function, and the color is ORANGE! The last time I checked, I don't think I work with Sunkist. Duh!

10) When you can't stand the Jurassic PC installed with a freaking Vista, you have a choice of either bring your own notebook to office or stuck with it for the rest of your working life in the company (how about shoving the PC up your @$$hole!).

I. AM. SCREWED. TOTALLY! Oh gawd ...


.:: Ant ::. said...

Hahaha, thanks for the orange outfit thingy. I'll make them wear striped black and white theme at the next company function. I've got jailbirds for staff! wakakaka


Live2Talk said...

Anton: So are you the jail warden my friend =^..^=

Precious Pea said...

We always welcome ex-staff here. Got vacancy now!

Live2Talk said...

PP: Er no lah, the thought of going back and working under fatty is horrendous!

cocoadeluxe said...

Hmmmm.... sounds like you and I have the same fate !

Live2Talk said...

cocoadeluxe: thanks for your comment and i guess this is what makes me refuse to get up early in the morning for work!