Monday, October 26, 2009

This is Talent ... Sooo NOT!

Recently a tv station organized a beauty pageant where one of the section is that the contestants are required to show their talents during the finals. I watched the re-run and had the laugh of my life at their so called talents!

The first one performed a latin dance but she can't even remember her moves and this is the only time I watch a latin dance go slow-mo! At one point, she even hesitated on whether to lift the leg or not!

Came a second who performed kung fu moves with a sword. Her hand is not even straight when she pointed the sword forward and the only kung fu moves is just to swing the sword left, right, left, right. Pathetic.

Uh ... a sexy female bartender who tried to juggle the cocktail container and a bottle from left to right with little success. In the end she poured out the drink, set fire into the glass and pour down the in a row of martini glasses. The end.

One contestant tried to portray a kabuki dance (japanese stage play) ala Memoirs of a Geisha's style but her costume is a combination of a red lion head wig, front half portion gone kimono with white flats! She doesn't even know how to flip the fan correctly! Oh gawd -.-

As if this is not talented enough, another wanted to play a yo-yo like a pro chinese acrobat but when she tried to swing the yo-yo high up, it fells down, nearly hit her head and roll away! The audience were laughing at her.

Have you seen a belly dancer whose tummy is as flat as a washing board? This one only knows how to move her breast up and down, up and down and her belly literally didn't move at all because she doesn't have one! Geez ...

Most of us have seen the lovers (梁祝), a story about 2 lovers so deeply in love that they turned into butterflies when they died. This girl did a dance supposedly to reflect the story but her dancing is so bad that all I can recall is she end up hugging the fake tomb.

Another tried to play a trick of tearing up pieces of crumbled sin chew jit poh (newspaper) then make it into 1 piece again and claimed out loud "life is just an illusion" is so not talented. What the ... ?

Calligraphy is an art but what I've seen is the girl used a long brush to write the word 海洋 (ocean) in chinese and that piece look like a 2 year old handwriting to me.

The winner stole the idea from the HK variety show. The concept is a kung fu fighting dwarf. What you need is another partner and use his hand to performed the moves but you cannot see him. Only the main person's face can be seen and she will use her hand as leg instead. It's all about coordination between the 2 persons. Nothing special to me but since the rest are all crap, I guess this is it.

Ok I'm being a bit sarcastic here but come on ... as an organizer, they should never show this to the general public and make it a laughing stock! I believe beauty and brains do come hand-in-hand but guess not these bunch of jokers!


Gratitude said...

I dunno why, but i really cringe whenever I see peeps making an utter fool of themselves. Still, they've got balls ......or plain stupidity.... whatever la! lolz

Live2Talk said...

Anton: Darn stupid to me those bunch of jokers and it's funny NOT!