Tuesday, September 09, 2008

How Weird Can This Be?

It's weird.

For 4 consecutive days in a row (since last week), whenever I peeped @ the time on my Mac during the 3 something hour in the afternoon, I saw this - 3:33 pm. Not 3:32, not 3:34 but 3:33. And today, it happened again. Err is this some kind of sign from above?

I should count my blessings for not seeing the freaking 6:66 when I look up *gulp* It's impossible, I know. But geez what if ... creepy >_<


HairyBerry said...

at least yours sound auspicious.

for the past three years, i never fail to notice 4:44 on my Windows. ok, sometimes 3:33 as well. but mostly 4:44.

so, there are ppl out there who notice the significance of this. cool!

Live2Talk said...

I think this is what we should called 'timing' man! Who knows, 4:44 might be your lucky number leh? If buy lottery, then have to buy 10 tickets, 4440, 4441, 4442 ... and so on ;P

Precious Pea said...

I suggest you got buy 4D...buy like 4333 or 3334. Win oledi, buy me lunch ok?

Live2Talk said...

PP: I never had any luck in gambling but will still buy you lunch :) Your wish is my command ^_^