Wednesday, August 08, 2007

The Miracle Water

Water is a fundamental part of our lives. It is easy to forget how completely we depend on it. Human survival is dependent on water. Experts had ranked water as second only to oxygen as essential for life. The average adult body is 55 - 75% water and 2/3 of our body weight is water (40 to 50 quarts).

Brain is 74% water
Blood is 83% water
Muscles are 75% water
Bone is 22% water

I still remember when I consulted a doctor friend last year and she said that I don't drink enough water and very dehydrated. I don't agree with her and argued that I drink 8 glasses of water everyday! Her question to me … “what type of water?” My answer … “err Chinese tea loh!”

The doctor told me that drinking coffee, tea or sodas is not the same as drinking water. Those drinks will prompt the body to lose water and caused us to dehydrated. You'll need to drink a few extra glasses of water to make up for these beverages. So keep those drinks minimum.

Most of the people I know love coffee, tea, juices or soft drinks and they substitute this with water. Some of them can even drink 1 glass of water from 9 - 5. Their reasons? "I'm not thirsty" or "busy-lah" or "I’m drinking coffee, tea, etc" or "Lazy to go toilet".

Water is necessary for our body to digest and absorb vitamins and nutrients. It also detoxifies the liver and kidneys, and carries away waste from the body.
I googled the benefits of drinking water and would like to share them here ...

Body Wastes and Toxins
Our organs are made of cells. The cells are made of and live in a water solution. Our blood also is mostly water and serves to dissolve, process and transport nutrients, and eliminate waste materials. The elimination process will become less effective without enough water in the body.

It's just not happening without water. Fiber alone cannot aid proper digestive function by itself. In fact, without water as its partner, good fiber goes bad, causing constipation and extreme discomfort. Can you imagine eating all the food and not 'letting go'?

Blood Circulation
If we are dehydrated, our blood is literally thicker, and our body has to work much harder to cause it to circulate. As a result, the brain becomes less active, it's hard to concentrate. Now I know why sometimes I can't score full points at PC games!

Lose Weight
Water plays a key role in the metabolic breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates. Drinking water can assist in neutralizing (burning) fat and assisting in weight loss. With the proper exercise and healthy eating, 1 size smaller is not that difficult to achieve!

Water Retention
If our body has a tendency to retain fluids, it might seem logical to drink less water. However, to lose the excess fluids, we need to drink MORE water. Dehydration can cause the body to retain fluid that will be released as we drink more water. The goal is to keep lots of fluid flowing through our body.

Aging is essentially dehydration. Water makes skin smooth and helps decrease the effects of aging and it gives luster and shine to the eyes. We can look younger without botox and no more pimples and acne breakouts!

Water or other beverages?
Soda, coffee, tea or alcohol does not replace water. If you don't like the taste of plain water, try putting lemon, lime or an orange slice in your glass. Delicious.

I now drink about 3000 ml of water everyday. Yes, I often visit the loo but I feel much healthier. Drinking water also helps me to reduce my high blood pressure without any medication.

So lets bottoms up the water … for a healthy lifestyle. Cheers folks!


Anonymous said...

If the percentage of drinking water charges increase.... i shall know who's fault issit.... ^-^

Live2Talk said...

Fong Fong: I drink on behalf of others also la ... so lai sheung po har

Precious Pea said...

live2talk: You can have 2/3 of my share of water.

Live2Talk said...

PP: Ok thanks ah ... err how bout another type of 'water' ($$$) ;P