Wednesday, May 07, 2008

When I Fall In Love ...

Falling in love is a magical experience, which comes with joy, laughter, anger, tears and other excess baggage. But still … everybody should fall in love @ least once in their lifetime.

I’ve been into serious relationships before but unfortunately it never ends with a happily ever after. Now in search of a new chapter in my life, I’ve came up with some simple requirements (not necessary limit to and in no particular order) on my future beau:-

He has to share with me his thoughts, his problems, his joy, his fears, his song, his passion and his most intimate moment. There's nothing more important than to communicate with your other half and 'walk side-by-side' together. Don't you know? Communication breakdown is one of the major failure in any relationship.

He has to be my man! Small gestures like make sure I reach home safely, holding the door for me, stand by my side blocking the on-coming traffic while crossing the road or surprise me with flowers once in a blue moon will do the trick. See so simple.

He has to hold me in his arms when I’m upset and say, “everything will be okay baby, I’m here”.

He has to make me laugh with his sense of humor. A dude who doesn’t know how to crack a joke or two … to me is like a piece of wood! No life!

He has to listen when I start ranting about work, morons, bitches and PMS. Sorry dude, it’s a women's thingy :)

He has to smell good so that I can scratch his neck with kisses (vampire wannabe). Once, I get turned on by a man who smells so good that I almost walk up to him and ask which cologne he uses.

He has to know how to cook. I tell you, most of the modern babes out there admire dudes who can cook. Jamie Oliver, Curtis Stone. They might not have the looks but when you see them take over the kitchen, they look so freaking hot and sexy. You just can’t help but to move in and give them a pinch in the butt!

He has to keep up with the world of technology so that we can converse in the same wavelength (and I don’t mean the remote control).

He has to understand why I need to have different pair of high heels because high heels were invented to make a women’s ass look perkier (don’t believe me? next time observe those babes in high heels and you will get it).

He has to go for a holiday with me once in a while because you need to get away from daily routine to stimulate the relationship.

He has to give me personal time off in our relationships. I still need my family and friends.

He has to be my chauffeur when I need one and drive smart when I’m in the car. I can’t stand F1 driver wannabe or some jerks who thinks his ancestor’s invented tar roads.

He has to be a friendly and yet not flirty. He is allowed to stare at cleavages but only for 5 seconds provided his nose is not bleeding by that time.

He has to hold my hands till I’m 80 years old (if I’m still alive by then) but by 81 he can hold whoever hands he wants.

He has to love me for who I’m and accept the ‘whole package’.

In return for all the above … I’ll love him with all my heart. Because when I fall in love, it will be forever ... unless ... something drastic happen along the way which is beyond my control.



Anonymous said...

sometime a guy may not fulfill your expectation in the way you wanted.... but that doesn't mean he don't love you.... every guy may not have the all the qualities that you looking for.... especially fren, they will definitely look at the cleavage more that 5 second.... anyway that should not make down...coz' its normal.... so wish u luck!!!!

Live2Talk said...

Kavi: I know what you mean and thanks for the advice :) I'll let you know when I found him.

Precious Pea said...

Very reasonable requirements you got there. Hehehehehe! All the best friend!! Am sure your other half is out there waiting for you...or ahem, maybe already appeared in your life? Look left and right, front and back ok?

Live2Talk said...

PP: I've low expectations :) thanks for the wishes dear and 'seng nei kwai yin' la.