Sunday, June 08, 2008

30 Hour Famine : You've Got The Power

The 30 Hour Famine is a World Vision event in 21 countries. It started in 1971 when 14 Calgary, Alberta teenagers staged an event in a church basement to raise money for World Vision.

During the event, for 30 hours, participants must abstain from eating food, and instead they typically drink water, fruit juices, or other liquids. Games, fund raisers, and other events may also take place to help teach and educate the participants and others about world hunger all over the world. It is also a time for education and awareness of world hunger, and an understanding of how people go without food for long periods of time.

This year World Vision is taking it a step further and giving Malaysians the power to run their own unique Famine camps. For participation details or if you wish to donate to the famine fund, please go here.

Anyone interested in joining me?


Precious Pea said...

Let me THINK THINK first yah..

Live2Talk said...

PP: Can can let me know la if you are keen :D