Thursday, January 01, 2009

再見 2008, 你好 2009

pic courtesy of Kenneth, a facebook friend who owned this cute Scottish fold

We all have our little stories to share when we looked back at 2008.

I've changed jobs at the 11th hour when everybody is anticipating their bonuses; Befriends some kind souls from facebook and believe that our friendship will grow over the years; Stumbled upon interesting bloggers who can write masterpieces and take magnificent shots; Signed up as volunteer with World Vision Malaysia; Visited Singapore for the first time and many more.

this is how you should wash your hair as demonstrated by my cousin, she is so going to kill me for posting up this :P

Here's the result of the resolutions I made for 2008:

#1: To pay off my credit card balance and spend less [ mission failed ]
The balance is still there but I'm slowly reducing my spending habit.

#2: To lose 10kg [ mission failed ]
Failed at this totally! I've lose a few pounds but still not enough to achieve the weight I desired!

#3: To reduce on my meat intake [ partially accomplished ]
It's not like I'm a 100% vegan because I still like the meaty feeling when I'm chewing one, but I've reduced on my daily intake.

#4: To learn a new skill [ mission failed ]
When I resoluted this, I was thinking about martial arts type of skill but I'm not determine enough to accomplish this. Absolutely my fault :(

#5: To send my parents to China for a holiday [ pending accomplishment ]
Because of the Sichuan earthquake and the tainted milk incidents, they refused to step foot in China for the moment ... not my fault right?

#6: To go for an overdue holiday with my best friends [ pending accomplishment ]
I tried to arrange but they are not as keen as I am. One is married enjoying her honeymoon, one rather go and hug her boyfriend in Shanghai and one more is busy with her life. Also not my fault right? o.O

#7: To read more books [ partially accomplished ]
I'm determined to read 2 books every month but in 2008, I've only read a total of 8 books with various titles from non-fiction to self-improvement.

#8: To keep my current mobile phone (SE500i) until 2009! [ mission accomplished ]
I passed this with flying colors! Err I think the Sony Ericsson's C905 is already out in the market, no? ;P

For 2009, I'm not going to have any resolutions. I wanted to see what surprises life is waiting for me ahead and how far I can go without any written commitments.

Everybody is anticipating 2009 will be a tough year but I believe we can overcome the challenges with a positive attitude. Let's do it folks!

So ... 再見 (goodbye) 2008 and 你好 (hello) 2009 =^..^=


Live2Talk said...

Jackson: May 2009 brings you lots of happiness ... cheers!

.:: Ant ::. said...

Do what many Msians do ....... give yourself an extension dateline to do what you've set out but unable to do in 2008.

p/z 10kgs so susah, 5kgs cukup la.

Happy Happy Happy New Year! ^_^


Live2Talk said...

Anton: Hmm ... i should just do that. How come i never thought of this, err maybe i'm not Malaysian enough ah :P

I aimed for 10kg hoping i can achieve at least 1/2 but it doesn't happen lor :(

Precious Pea said...

10 kgs? Hmmppphh..can lose 1kg also i thank sky thank earth. Hahaha...Happy New Year to you. Yah..don't live with resolutions..only make use miserable. Seize the day and enjoy each day to the max!

Live2Talk said...

PP: The foods on your blog are too tempting lah to lose weight :P have a good year babe!