Monday, November 17, 2008

Kiasusm is Everywhere

I don't know who labeled Singaporean as a bunch of kiasu people? Perhaps Singaporean themselves, I don't know.

I love the PCK show ^^

Jokes on Ah Beng culture are making their rounds everyday but those Ah Beng who thinks they are not part of the ah beng's community is actually more ah beng than the real Ah Bengs! get me?

I noticed that Malaysian and people from the other side of the globe are embracing on the kiasusm syndrome, no matter what color, race or which mother tongue they speak at home. Here are some pretty obvious scenario:-

Free lah

(Source: The Star)

Just take a look at people queueing up for the "buy 1 free 1 cake" promotion by some cake house couple of days back. These people started the queue some 3 hours before the promotion starts at 11.00 am? Not only they caused the whole street to jammed up with illegal parking but they can't wait to stuff themselves with flour and sugar mixed together! How much can you eat anyway? Cheesecake some more? I can't even finish 1 slice for goodness sake!

Pump It

They jammed up the road and petrol stations the day before Government announce price increase (may I suggest to our Gov to keep it a top secret on future price increase announcement until 11.55 pm prior to doomsday).

Don't they realize that instead of saving money, they are actually burning more fuel and wasting time by being kiasu? Nobody like to have fuel price increase but if it happens, we have to accept the fact and do adjust our spending lah!

Quote my dad: "Even if you pump now, it is not going to last very long unless you totally abandon your car and I ain't going to waste my time and petrol to queue for petrol". Well said dad, well said!

I Believe I Can Fly

The 'Now Everyone Can Fly' company offers affordable air tickets so that everyone can fly. The only disadvantage of course is you need to be the 'first-in-line' to grab a seat unless you paid for express boarding. Everybody and their mother-in-law will start to form a line when they heard the first announcement about their flight.

Even when the announcement is on flight delay. The problem with these people is that they won't budge from the queue not even when the flight crew advised passengers to take a seat and wait! They rather stand so that the next kiasu fella won't jump queue from the side!

And when the plane finally arrived, they will race as if in a marathon hoping to pick the best seat. Then the airbus landed on ground, they will start getting up from their seat and pull down their 20kg luggage and can't wait to get off the plane before it comes to a complete stop! Gawd!


I do understand that as parents, they want to give the best in their ability to their kid and groom them up to be somebody they are proud (and show) off. But to enroll them in 10 different kind of activities besides school is really absurd! Can you imagine, the poor kid has to learn music, ballet, kung fu, tennis, swimming and God knows what else is there besides tons of homework everyday?

Come on ... give the kid a break! Unless of course he/she shows some natural-born talent in one of the classes, I think it's only wise to let them enjoy their childhood and go with the flow. Don't force them to be who you think they should be in order to earn your love. At school, I'm not the smartest kid and I don't earn a high-flying salary now but I turn out okay, as a person.

I Got It First

These are kids/teens/adults who naturally inherited the kiasu DNA. Can you believe it that they actually camped out to buy a book featuring some specky wizard? My question is this: are you going to fall apart and vanish from this earth if you don't read it immediately after it has been released?

I can pity you if it's free food but this? *
shaking head* The same goes to those who camped out for a PS3 or the Anya Hindmarch's I'm Not A Plastic Bag bag o.O

If you can afford to spend the money and time doing those stuff, why not do something more beneficial like help out children who don't get an opportunity in basic education? Together we can help build a better world for these children by sponsoring a child through World Vision. Thank you.

The last time I checked, we do live in a civilized world. So please ... behave like one.


Anonymous said...

totally agreed

Live2Talk said...

comment by anton aka http://biologicalclockticking (copied by me from the video selection entry which anton wrongly posted)

Heyy, great topic to touch on. Yup, we alwiz complain about the Sporeans without looking into the mirror. However, i do still feel that kiasui-sm there is still a notch higher, almost to an art-form. They seeem to hv an air of superiority whilst rushing for bargains. Quote fm a beach-minder in Phuket "u must be Msian, bcoz Sporeans always complain and ask for cheaper price and better stuff".

Live2Talk said...

exodus: thanks for your comment and welcome to my blog ... drop by more often ya, cheers ^^

*anton* aka bct: Singaporeans started the syndrome so i guess they feel they 'own' it and have to make sure the 'standard' don't drop! *eyes rolling* :D

cocoadeluxe said...

I'm starting to like you..haha.. you know why? Cause you quite sound like me..!

Live2Talk said...

cocoadeluxe: well, i've found a new friendship in you :)