Sunday, November 23, 2008

In a Sticky Situation

My sister's boyfriend who went to Bangkok couple of weeks ago gave us 3 packets of the famous Thai sticky/glutinous rice upon his return. I was excited until I realized that I've requested PreciousPea to buy me a packet from her Krabi trip (oh no, how can I forget that).

Then my mom told me that there's a packet of sticky rice still lying somewhere in the kitchen (this was also from PreciousPea who got it from Chatuchak market months ago when she went to Bangkok!). Okay, in total I have 5 packets of sticky rice in my procession o.O

I've no choice but to quickly kick start my sticky rice mission with Loh Mai Kai (glutinous rice with chicken). I tried this before, recipe is here if you are interested :)

Previously I used a pot to mixed the seasoning with rice but this time I used the wok instead. I find it easier this way. I added some olive oil to the wok before I pour the cooked rice in. Then I mixed all the seasoning in a bowl before pouring in the rice. Stir evenly and this is really hard work because the rice tends to ... well stick together.

Place the rice on top of the ingredients and cover the lid of each container before steaming it again (the containers are courtesy of a friend, thanks Babe).

The end result :)

Now folks, any idea what to do with the rest of the rice (4 packets left) ... to er get me out of this sticky situation?


Precious Pea said...

You used olive oil????? Should be lard dear, glorious LARD! Hahaha!

Start googling! Who knows, you might find recipe to put all those glutinous rice to good use!

Live2Talk said...

i also ada used LARD my dear but not enough to unstick the rice so used some olive oil loh ;P

HairyBerry said...

very clever title! :)

your lor mai kai looks good! hmmm, perhaps you can try making sushi with the rice! yummy!

Live2Talk said...

nic: thanks and good idea ;P i'll just do that next round!

.:: Ant ::. said...

looks so yummy! :)

sushi sushi sushi! that's what you sld be using the rice for ^_^

Live2Talk said...

anton: thanks and it was really yummy ;P okie sushi that it for the next mission!